Although the spleen doesn't have many known physiological functions associated with it in Western medicine, it is an important organ in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has a distinct energetic role in regard to digestion and metabolism (transformation) of nutrients to energy. It also plays a major role in managing stress, and its imbalance causes what's referred to in Chinese texts as worry, or a low grade, ongoing anxiety disorder. Other references have been made about the emotional association between spleen and pensiveness, or sadness. However, from my research and the cases I have seen in my practice, constant worry and mild underlined anxiety are better descriptions. Imagine someone who is constantly worried about his or her siblings, parents, children, the economy, politics, the planet, etc. This person may not appear to be overly anxious, and many of his or her worries may seem to merit logical concerns. But it's the imbalance of constantly having something to worry about (being a worrier), which is mainly of concern here. This generally means that from the imbalance of spleen, we are more likely to produce and manifest these sensations of pensiveness and worry. The opposite can also be true, not just for spleen, but also for all the other organs discussed earlier. Keep in mind that the emotional manifestations which were discussed in this book (e.g. anger = imbalanced liver), are manifested when there is an energetic imbalance of that organ. Thus, the opposite can also be true when the related organ is healthy and in perfect balance (e.g. peaceful = healthy liver). When the spleen is balanced and functioning properly, the individual feels calm and collected, instead of nervous and anxious. The following exercise is designed to tonify the spleen and enhance its energetic function. That means we can expect to feel calm and worry-free after it's done. This exercise will also result in better transformation of our nutrients and help the spleen with producing plenty of energy. As discussed earlier, all of these exercises can be done preventatively. One should not wait for the imbalance to start working on the exercise. However, this exercise is specially recommended, for instance, when we feel overly tired and energetically drained, or when we are dealing with a constant, low grade anxiety and nervousness. This exercise allows you to collect your energy and center your mind.